The Jan. 6 Committee took a lot of heat over how long it took to organize, and for its lack of support from Republicans. But compared to the stalemate between the two parties and the bickering among Democrats, the...
After months of the political equivalent of throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks, Dr. Mehmet Oz—Republican nominee for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania—found the issue to transform his underdog race against Democrat John Fetterman into a newly...
Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s name is not on the ballot, but his political future is in the hands of Virginia voters in November. The state’s off-year election will once again signal the power of the abortion issue in the aftermath...
Democrats have yet another reason to be depressed about the Supreme Court. In a 5-4 ruling, with all five Republican-appointed justices voting together, the court knocked down a Montana law that would have kept in place long-standing limits in...
Like so much of what President Trump says, the words he chooses to speak don’t tell the whole story. Who could oppose more “choice” in health care coverage, especially when it’s better care and comes at lower cost, as...
To head off a 21st century Saturday night massacre, a bipartisan group of senators took the first step last week to protect special counsel Robert Mueller from White House interference. That’s a move that harks back to the last...
As Speaker Pelosi settled in for lunch Friday with a dozen or so columnists, news began to break of the impending deal to open the government.  Eyeing her favorite dark chocolates in a bowl next to the sandwiches and...
While the world was focused on impeachment, the GOP’s ongoing effort to stock the federal bench with conservative ideologues proceeded apace last week with Sarah Pitlyk, a nominee for the district court in the eastern part of Missouri, whose...
Senator Susan Collins is fighting for her political life with a new television ad that says “in a time of crisis, real leaders step forward. Others disappear.” The ad touts that the Maine Republican co-wrote the Paycheck Protection Program...
The “three-martini lunch” is back, not that it ever left. Its heyday was the 1960s, when long business lunches were part of the American dream, and the full cost of an extravagant meal could be written off. The unfairness...