The long line of Donald Trump-appointed judges is coming to an end, but not before Republicans waved through a last-minute appointment on Tuesday to the Court of Federal Claims, a court that gets little attention, and a nominee, Stephen...
s the West burns with 87 large active fires in 13 states as of Saturday, the federal government is doing its best to ignore the plight of the elite, overworked and underpaid Hot Shots fighting those fires for base...
Anti-abortion-rights groups have been courting Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for months, trying to persuade him to sponsor legislation that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, which is spearheading the effort,...
Democrats voiced their unequivocal support for abortion rights at the party’s convention in Charlotte, a sharp departure from two decades of modulating their views on the issue with the phrase “safe, legal, and rare.” The word “rare” was sliced...
Barbara Bush was everybody’s grandmother. White haired, a tad overweight, and unafraid to speak truth to power, she made no pretense to glamour, and the American people loved her for it. She died Tuesday at age 92, closing the...
However the Senate trial turns out, it is immensely gratifying to know that the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil Republicans were pinned in their seats for two hours and 20 minutes with only flat water, bubbly water, or milk to drink...
Of all the issues before voters, healthcare remains the holy grail for Democrats. In the last three election cycles, it delivered Democratic victories based on deeply held beliefs about which party could be trusted to reform a system that...
When a white guy shoots up a church or a country music festival, Donald Trump says the problem is the person, not the weapon. “This isn’t a guns situation,” he said after the Sutherland Springs slaughter. “Mental health is...
Jackie Speier was a legislative counsel working for a California congressman when she was left for dead on an airport runway in Guyana, South America, in 1978. She was investigating Jim Jones, a charismatic religious leader whose Peoples Temple...
Sworn in to replace the disgraced Richard Nixon, President Gerald Ford declared, “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” Three months later, 76 Democrats won House seats, “some in districts that hadn’t elected a Democrat since before...